Originally Posted by RJY66
Bless your hearts, some of you just aren't very bright.

He pretty much came out and said that the game plan is to replace RINO's and fence sitters with Trumpist Republicans. Even listed some of the ones he is going after. He has the name, support, money, and more than a little desire for payback. I suspect that you will see over the next couple of years that the RINO's that crossed Trump are the political walking dead.

Even a special ed case should be able to see that is a lot more efficient than attempting to build a new party infrastructure from scratch. Its like having your house bulldozed because the sink leaks. It would take years and we ain't got that kind of time. It may be too late already.

I hope you’re right about the rinos that double crossed him but somehow, someway Election Integrity has to be put front and center and kept there.

At least Ran Paul is trying in that endeavor.

The degree of my privacy is no business of yours.

What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.