Originally Posted by rickt300
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by rickt300
Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by rickt300
Originally Posted by irfubar
Thanks Toot for the vote of confidence..... I don't have a problem until I blow a gasket, then I say mean things..... smile I am still trying to wrap my head around the goy angle...... wink

The Goy thing refers to Gentile or non Jew, a racist look down their noses kind of thing, similar to us using the N word.

This from a dumbassed goy Boy racist.

Heh !

Funny how all you do is run your head, why not actually try to explain why you think I am wrong? Typically you have lost the argument unless you make an effort to explain yourself. Unless you actually are a racist Jew jackass that is.

Winners aren’t obligated to explain a damn thing to loser, dumbassed goy Boy fuggers like you.

Try and get a grip on reality and what your situation actually is.

You dumb white goy fuggs have sold each other out, been consumed, pushed through the ass hole and into the sewer and are now presently just circling around the drain hole.

You did it to yourselves and yet you blame others, especially those so much smarter and intelligent than your lot and ilk is.

The present national situation is because of you and your inherent weaknesses. No other reasons. Pure and simple.

Retard word soup isn't going to get it, so you are a racist Jew jackass.

Your representations as a supposed White Man and member of the majority race in the USA fully explains why this country is so F’kd up.

You’re just basically Fuggin stupid. It ain’t your fault. It’s just bred into you and your type. Pitiful.

Retard word soup for the retard that sucks it up. That be you, goy Boy.

The degree of my privacy is no business of yours.

What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.