Two things which I found encouraging caught my eye this morning as I perused the news.

One was that Brave, the privacy-oriented web browser, is going to be launching a privacy-oriented search engine to compete with Google. This is another step in the right direction in that people can choose to not support the biased results that Big Tech is producing. I don't know the politics of the people behind Brave (the head guy is the former head of Firefox), but at least conservatives will have another alternative to Google. I know there are other search engines out there now (I'm using Quant), but having something completely independent of Google/Chrome seems to be a good thing. Some of you who are more literate in tech matters may see it differently; I'd be interested in your takes.

Second thing I found encouraging was the call for nationwide strikes in Myanmar to counter the coup that has taken place there. I don't know everything about the situation there, but I see it as a good thing that the people are taking action against a government that they see as illegitimate. I believe that something similar may have to happen here someday, if our elections continue to be hijacked and/or the government continues to ram the leftist agenda down our throats. If food and water become hard to come by for the elites, they will have to start being more responsive to we the people.

I'm usually a gloom and doom sort, but these items gave me some reason to be of good cheer.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.