I think the thing that most people today forget is the mindset of those who were fighting WW2. It was total war, a war for survival, especially for the British, Russians, and many of the smaller European countries.. They did what they thought they had to do to win, and the cost of human life didn't really fit in to the equation.

We're used to fighting political wars here.............starting with Korea, Vietnam, the first Gulf War, Afghanistan, Iraq, and everywhere else we've stuck our noses. The American press delights in telling us how bad wars are, especially if a Republican president is in office. Imagine what it would be like today if WW2 was taking place, with CNN telling the American people about all the innocent civilians our bombing campaigns were killing. Can't you just see CBS news doing a special investigation on the lack of women and Negroes commanding the troops.

We have the advantage of sitting here today and judging the way things were done 75-80 years. There is no doubt in my mind that we would see them totally different had we lived through them.