Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by kk alaska
A couple of days ago there was a video by a leading vaccine DR who claims that the vaccine will only help current Covid 19 strains not the future and will strengthen the virus.

Can't find any links?

Based on how the vaccine's targeted, I'm not convinced that's true. I got the Phizer version yesterday and it specifically targets the spike proteins that allow it to attach to cells, so it would take some significant mutations in just the right locations for a new strain to evade the vaccine. One of the strength of the new vaccine technology is it's ability to target a wider range of viruses than the traditional methods. I'm looking forward to what they can do vs. the standard flu and rhino viruses with this technology. If we can get rid of those as well, that would be a huge silver lining for this ordeal.

Because we all know that the federal government does nothing but good for the American citizenry.

I retired from the Johns Manville asbestos pop tart factory in ‘59, and still never made the connection.—-Slumlord