Originally Posted by HoosierHawk
I belong to the NRA, GOA, and JPFO (even though I'm not Jewish, they are far and away the most hardcore of the three). GAO and JPFO are effective in filing lawsuits in court and fighting local gun laws, but let's face it, when it comes time for arm twisting on Capitol Hill, only one of those three has any influence - the one bashed here constantly, including this thread. I don't know how much longer that will last, though.

I have no doubt that had it not been for the NRA, private ownership of handguns would have been essentially outlawed by excessive regulation in the 1970's under Carter, with Dem supermajorities in both houses (remember the form for handgun ammo?). The SCOTUS at the time under Warren Burger may well have allowed it to stand.

The NRA is far from perfect, maybe more imperfect than perfect, but it's the only effective lobbying group we have in DC.

Like you, I'm not Jewish but am a Life Member of JPFO. Also a NRA Benefactor Member. I guess we shall see...