I was reminded of this post last night as I was speed walking past the HIITS gym. One of the customers I asked as he walked across the lot said they are required to wear masks when they work out. Good grief.

Anyhow, running is high impact as it gets.
I'd try a variety of lower impact cardio and strength training alternatives to see what you like.
I talked to a young gal yesterday who runs.
Right now she travels town with a bike.
I need to get mine tuned up and start using it this season too. If it's fitted right and you use clipless shoes, you'll get every bit the benefits of running while allowing your knees to heal. You'll be able to enjoy the scenery and cover more miles as well. I've been speed walking with a pack all winter. It's very enjoyable and low impact. The only major injury was when I foolishly jumped off of a wall in the dark.

I've had lots of knee injuries in my youth and have studied proper form, nutrition and natural healing over the decades. Many of my students have benefitted from consultations and continued their physical fitness progress.

The main principal is to take supplements and a diet that supports joint and tendon repair. Then build strength of those tissues gradually. Last is forming new lower impact workouts that will allow you to achieve your goals. There's a number of exercises for this too.