Originally Posted by dan_oz
As a teenage cadet in the Air Training Corps (much like the JROTC as I understand it, and part of the RAAF) I was on parade at RAAF Richmond for the 60th anniversary celebration. It was a big turnout. Standing to attention on the tarmac for the formalities saw several cadets drop - they stay at attention all the way down, like a tree falling.

AirTC was a lot of fun. We would do range practice and field training like army cadets, but also had flights in various aircraft, and the opportunity to do flying training.

Out of my mates in cadets one went on to flight school in the RAAF. He did well in officer training, and qualified for jets, but realised that he actually didn't like flying all that much. A second joined the Army, and last I heard he was a colonel. Another did a 6 year stint in the army and then went home to Switzerland, where he was required to do National Service in their army. I had a few years in the army as well.

"not too grumpy"