So my only experience hunting elk is late season in low country on private land. As far as bulls were concerned, we saw them either in bachelor groups of 2-5 bulls, or we would see them mixed in with a herd of 200+ elk. As far as cows, we only saw them in the big herds.....never saw one or two stray cows off by themselves like we did the bulls.

For early season, say mid-Sept, up high in a Colorado OTC it still the case where cows are going to be in big herds, or might they be traveling in small groups and spread out all over the place?

My goal is to shoot a cow with my bow, so just trying to get a better idea of their habits. I realize public land, especially OTC, is vastly different than unpressured private land, and imagine the time of year and rut are going to also play a role. So I basically know nothing and realize that.