Originally Posted by Sprint11
Overlooked in all the chatter is the fact that it takes passage of a law (currently Judiciary act of 1869) to change the size or composition of the court. The dems act, and the article is written, as if Biden can just decide on his own to change anything he wants or nominate any number of justices they arbitrarily choose. With the very, very slim margins in both chambers, it is highly doubtful that all dems would tow the line on something this momentous, and no way would it get 60 votes in Senate. Particularly Manchin who would open the door for other defectors. Even now, the leftists are starting to eat their own by turning on Bryer.

But, lets say that somehow they do manage to get a bill passed and signed. Remember Pelosi's favorite cry "we're equal to the President."? Well, so is the Supreme Court. The court, in the interest of self preservation, could find a reason to invalidate any law (if the case was brought to them) and the other branches could not do anything about it. Fantasy, I know. But in today's weird political environment, it's possible.

They are testing the waters, my friend. To see what they CAN get away with, right in front of the sheeples' noses..

Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member