Originally Posted by AGL4now
Originally Posted by sayak
Originally Posted by stevelyn
I really have no dog in this fight since all of my eggs are in Aleutians East and Denali Borough baskets, but if skAnchorageans haven't learned from the Marxist douchebaggery of the last three years, they deserve all the evil that befalls them.

I have to admit, you are correct. Elections have consequences, and Anchorage has been going down the sewer fast over the past several years. If people can't wake up and see how bad these socialistic policies are, then I guess they'll have to live with them. Just too bad it spills over to the rest of Alaska, and directly impacts a lot of good, hard-working people left in Anchorage.

Alaska has been in destruction from the day they issued the permits to build the Alaska Pipeline. Before the pipeline even Anchorage was wonderful. The damn pipeline changed Alaska from frontier wilderness full of homesteaders, to one more American social disaster.

I lived in Anchorage from the mid-60s to early 70s. Yes it was a great little city, and safe for a kid to roam about anywhere. I wasn't there at the height of the pipeline boom years, as I was living in Sitka, but even in the early 80s there were still a lot of pretty traditional minded folks doing the Alaska thing as often as they could get out of the city. In my opinion, Anchorage really went downhill when CSS and other agencies begin to settle a lot of government dependent foreigners in the city, and by doing so, they have created a whole new class of resident which likes big government. Also, Anchorage had no visible "homeless" problem in the 60s/70s, but that came about when nonprofits began to give them infrastructure and they started coming in droves. Now it is out of control and shows no sign of being solved. Add to that the latest "woke" crowd, and you have a piece of SanFran/Portland/Seattle landed right in Alaska. Sad really. Anchorage used to have a lot of independent folks. Now, except to visit my kids, I won't go there. I literally hate it.

An unashamed bitter/clinger/deplorable