I was six years away from the draft watching Vietnam on TV news every night.

The world was very different then. The old neighborhoods in Chicago were pretty much segregated by nationalities. Germans, Poles, Italians. Being a first generation American it was great to hear stories of the old countries and why they came to America. The love of America and their fierce patriotism was remarkable. My folks came from Germany and my father and both of his brothers all fought against the Germans in WWII. There was no German-Americans in my family. Calling them a hyphenated American would get you, at the least, verbally abused.

Boy, did we eat good back then! Everyone had a mother or grandmother from the "old country" who made everything from scratch.

Most everyone went to church back then and that is where I see a huge difference in America today. Morality seems to be a forgotten idea and the country is reaping what has been sown.

"An open message for all Democrats; "Look you are nothing and your work is worthless. Anyone who chooses you is detestable."
Isaiah 41:24 (HCSB)