
Yep! If you're a professional, that's what you do.

One of my early role-models in my business was Charley Waterman, who published under the by-line Charles F. Waterman. He explained things simply, yet evocatively, about hunting, hunting guns and fishing (which I also wrote about for many years). He once wrote (very entertainingly) about falling asleep at night while reading a professional journal about bluegill biology--or something like that. He said most of his readers wouldn't find it very interesting--but he did, and simplified it for them.

I am pretty damn sure you did a great job of passing along (and adequately compressing) what you know to the people who worked for you. That's what professionals do, because that's what we care about.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck