Originally Posted by simonkenton7
Originally Posted by FishinHank
Wear chaps too! And a damn helmet/facemask

I got 38 stitches in my left thigh, that says you are right. Stihl 039
What a bloody mess. Ruined my pants too.

Good afternoon to you sir, I hope the day is a fine one in your part of the planet and that all in your world are well.

I'm sorry to read of your chainsaw incident and hope too that you've healed completely.

After running power saws for personal use over the last 4 decades, never once did I come close to biting myself.... until I did...

My good wife and daughters felt it'd be not a bad idea for me to invest in some chaps or pants and then as I did some research - some of which was chatting with our fellow forum member 673 who makes his living with a chainsaw, I picked up a pair of lightly used Big K Clothing Logger King 4100 Threshold pants.

They're as tough as they are hot! laugh

Anyways all that to say that PPE isn't a bad idea at any age, but as we age it's likely even a better idea.

All the best to you and all our fellow chainsaw users.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"