The bore isn't squeaky clean after firing but it's no worse than shooting a few cast bullets through it. That's how I finished my range session.
My test load with 1 gr of powder was the dirtiest by far. Not enough powder to burn properly and clear the bore out I suspect.
I had thought a gas check over the powder would be a good idea but I would have had to run them through the sizing die to get the fit right.

Would a gas check turn sideways upon firing anyway?
Would it make any difference?
It's a relatively low pressure load so why not a thin cardboard wad to keep the powder gathered?

I wondered if I'd be overpowering the load and have a hole in the center of the target pattern from too much pressure. Nope.

Overthinking it a bit but I don't mind being cautious and looking at things from a why not perspective.

I needed a break from working on house chores anyway....

"Camping places fix themselves in your mind as if you had spent long periods of your life in them.
You will remember a curve of your wagon track in the grass of the plain like the features of a friend."
Isak Dinesen