The claim: Should Potter’s professional background as a cop have made her know the difference between a gun and Taser?

Our rating: Yes.

According to CNN, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension also found Potter’s gun on the right side of her duty belt and her Taser on the left side. A news release from Washington County Attorney Pete Orput’s office also said the Taser is yellow with a black grip in a straight-draw position, which means Potter would’ve had to use her left hand to pull the Taser out of her belt.

The argument has drawn public scrutiny from the general public, celebrities and even pro-gun advocates such as televangelist Pat Robertson, according to Business Insider, who called the claim “crazy” during a segment on “The 700 Club.”

The Brooklyn Center Police Department’s policy, according to ABC News, says stun guns are intended to control a violent or potentially violent individual, while minimizing serious injury risk. Officers have to be trained and must position stun guns “in a reaction-side holster on the opposite side of their duty weapon.”

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