Originally Posted by Steve Redgwell
Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd

Originally Posted by downwindtracker2
I picked up a computer virus when I tried to open a file on Bushnell scope model history so off the computer went to the computer shop. This time they installed FireFox as well. On it , they suggest some interesting reads. One such, a Bloomberg article, was questions scientists would like to have answered on COVID . It was both a long article and the single allowed questions were surprising simple. It had no answers, rather it triggered a fair bit of thoughtfulness. There are guys who search for articles to back up their arguments rather than to awaken or satisfy intellectual curiosity. An open mind is smart one, a closed mind is a stupid one.

You touched on a fundamental problem now in the post-Christian western world — where do we find truth?

And as for COVID, in the states anyway, the information has been mixed, confusing, and deceptive from the start over a year ago. Nor is there any consensus in the med/scientific community.

Thanks for letting me drop in.

I believe that we are getting mixed, confusing news here as well, George. It makes things very difficult for the average citizen. Who do you trust? Speaking for me, I trust what Health Canada says. All the vaccines that are being used here have got the thumbs up from them.

Sometimes, you hear nothing because too many people are speaking at the same time.

Drop by anytime.

Well since you trust Health Canada, you wont have a problem with this. It came in on our EMS bulletin just today. Health Canada has confirmed that almost two thirds of the AstraZeneca vaccine imported into Canada came from the US factory that American authorities say was rife with quality control issues. Amir Attaran, a law professor and drug policy expert at the University of Ottawa says any of these vaccines that havent been given already should be thrown out. No word yet if that will actually happen, but its clear that a lot of Canadians have already been injected with a vaccine that is so questionable that the US threw them out.