Lets see.

I read how many YouTube comments that had Steven Anderson's pic and name along with things said that would undermine what was just preached. It MUST have been him. After all, nobody would try to falsify that and ruin his testimony.

As to teenagers.

I have seen teens pass notes back and forth before.
That would not surprise me. That's why a preacher who sees it might make them sit next to their parents or in the front row during a sermon. This church is not perfect, but who is being attacked.... a conservative Bible believing church, or a typical liberal church?
I would be surprised if the celestial one who started this is even fit for a Unitarian universalist assembly.

What IS suspicious of the source is the following.

How many 14 year olds has anyone ever heard talk about hiring whores and choking them???
Maybe someone is projecting?
I've been around teens. That doesn't sound like a talk between teenagers. It sounds more like a couple of adult perverts that are masquerading as teens in order to bring defamation of character. Homos don't talk like that, only 14 year olds ......
BTW, Why do these fine sources keep saying that these are adults speaking these aweful things to minors?
Isn't this boy 14 and alleged girlfriend 13?

Now they are claiming that the dad is the one who said this. Who are you going to believe? The homos and witches and [bleep] who are making these claims.

Last edited by Happy_Camper; 05/02/21.