Originally Posted by Lorne
Originally Posted by Switch
The folks in Canada are not to happy with the USA after Biden stopped the XL Pipeline. Canada had billions invested in this project and lost a great future income on thie deal. I think border will be closed to a LONG time!

Actually our idiot in charge was happy Biden did that . Took him off the hook

Having said that I , unfortunately , don't have a lot of optimism . Our government , especially at the federal level , has screwed up the handling of everything related to the Kung Flu ROYALLY

I have a kid who as a pipe-liner would have benefited greatly from XL being approved. If Biden hadn't shut it down our dickwad in charge in Ottawa would have found a way.
There was no way it was ever going to be built. Nor is Trans Mountain going anywhere.
The border remaining closed has nothing to do with pipelines being built or not. It has plenty to do with negligence on the part of our Federal gov.
I want to travel to US as bad you guys want to head here to hunt. I want to hunt pheasants in SoDak this year. Plus, my Mom, Dad and brothers live in the US. I would love to see my elderly parents before it is too late.