Originally Posted by Wannabebwana
“And, religious people continue to be able to worship whatever deity that they choose under the Covid19 regulations, and to practice the same religious beliefs as before.”

But they can’t. Orthodox Easter was this weekend. Most deeply religious day of the year. Includes getting your Easter basket blessed, to celebrate the long fast from Lent, not to mention the Resurrection. You might not think it’s a big deal, but I assure you, it is. And it’s the second year in a row it’s been derailed.

“ And, the definition of an essential service is:

"Daily services essential to preserving life, health, public safety, and basic societal functioning."

And what about those who believe not only in preserving this life, but preparing for the next? You don’t have to believe. You, and no gov’t has a right to tell anyone else how to believe.

But you ARE able to worship whatever deity that you choose under the Covid19 regulations, and to practice the same religious beliefs as before.

Nobody is saying that you can't.

And nobody is saying that you can't get your Easter basket blessed, or celebrate Lent, or the Resurrection.

You just can't pack your church to the rafters with people, and refuse to wear masks while doing it.

As far as "services essential to preserving life" including praying to prepare for the afterlife" is concerned, it really makes no mention of this.

But again, nobody is saying that you can't pray in a church to do this. You just can't pack the church full and refuse to wear medical masks.

And, again, NOBODY is telling you how to believe or what to believe. The Covid19 regulations make absolutely no mention of limiting or modifying your religious beliefs in any way whatsoever.

In an unprecedented world-wide pandemic such as this, we must enforce common-sense health measures to protect all persons.

And, churches already do conform to numerous government regulations already, such as fire codes, food safety codes, health codes, building codes, occupational health and safety codes, and electrical and plumbing codes, and income & taxation laws, just to name some.

The government isn't going to waive any of these, just because a church might claim that they violate their religious beliefs, and they shouldn't.

Last edited by saddlegun; 05/03/21.