Originally Posted by renegade50
Originally Posted by viking
Our air force would have decimated the russians.

We had a tremendous amount of air power projection the Russians didnt have .
2k plus bomber raids over Germany daily shut down or reduced in march/april 45 over germany due to lack of tgts.

We coulda bombed the marshalling,staging areas, supply areas, and logitics routes of their ground forces with complete air superiority then air supremacy.
And caused them to go back to their pre war border where they belonged like Patton said.
And then conducted ground mop up operations in conjunction with air support.

All a pipe dream.......
Cant change History......

Roosevelt sold out eastern europe to Stalin cause he was naive and thought stalin would let eastern European countries have some sort of independence.
Churchill knew Stalin was the devil but churchill had to go along for his nations survival with Roosevelt dominating world veiw policy for the west.

Roosevelt sold out the world in his misbegotten opinon of Stalin

Roosevelt wasn't even a pipe's dream close to the hero all these modern commies want to make him out to be.


Slaves get what they need. Free men get what they want.

Rehabilitation is way overrated.

Orwell wasn't wrong.

GOA member
disappointed NRA member