Originally Posted by jackmountain
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Pappy348
Work fuuckin sucks.

Yup, often anyway. My first 30 was actually pretty good; interesting work and got to work on some new stuff and in interesting places. Last 10, not so much, but well worth the prize at the end. 58 and out the door with a nice incentive to boot.

Sittin’ on the deck watching my catbirds eat the oranges I feed them and watching the cottonwood fluff sail by. That doesn’t suck at all...
I enjoy walking my dog, shooting, hunting or fishing every day now. Was too tired to bother with it most days after work. I will likely get a part time job to help pay for my health insurance at some point until medicare kicks in. The only job I didn't find objectionable in my whole life was working behind the counter at a gun shop. Kind of fun helping/advising customers on guns, scopes, mounts ammo etc.. I've known the manager at the local Dick's sporting goods for years. He says he would love to have me behind the gun counter and can put me to work part time whenever I choose.

The gun counter at a Dick’s Sporting goods... LMAO. When the get real busy you can help out in the sports section giving advise on which is the best sports bra.
Helping young ladies pick out bra's don't sound bad to me. They'd only hire you for jock fitter. But then that is where you'd be the happiest. LOL