Originally Posted by SLDUCK
All Mylan's were whistle trained and handled. I waterfowl plus upland. Just puck a name that is not close to verbal command. 1 sylabells are best

Having trained dogs with a professional for a 8 month period between school, I can tell you that the dog doesn't care what its name is so pick something that you like that is easy to yell. Whistle training is the way to go and therefore the dog's name is actually used very little in the field, BUT most dog commands are one syllable - therefore a two syllable name sounds least like a command to a puppy. Also names that end in long EEEE, like Haley, Harvey, Bailey don't sound like any common command.

Last edited by tcp; 05/17/21.

If you can't be a good example, may you at least serve as a dreadful warning