Originally Posted by jwp475
Originally Posted by boatanchor
Originally Posted by jwp475

It only takes a bit of practice to lean to find game fast with an angled. It's not rocket science.

I agree it's not rocket science, but it's just a fact that it is easier and faster to find something you are looking at rather than looking away from...................

I would have agreed with you before I got my angled. Once I familiarized myself with the angled, I find it just as fast for me and much more comfortable to use

After hundreds of instances where others could not find a critter in their angled scope, yet immediately found it in a straight scope I have to see it the other way. I personally know of more than a few guys that bought angled and swapped to straight but none off the top of my head that went the other way.

I agree angled is more comfortable, and the way to go at the range, but the average guy glassimg and trying to find a specific animal is going to be far faster with a straight scope.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.