
SCOTUS can do nothing as the electoral process, review by State Attorney Generals and acceptance provision by the Vice President who is also President of the Senate within the constitution was executed. There is no provision in the constitution to reverse an election post this event.

Therein lies the rub. The Electoral College is supposed to be the backstop, but the number of ballots to be counted has grown tremendously while the amount of time between election day and certification day has remained fixed, and forensic audits take time. Unless something changes, there is every incentive to get a candidate elected by hook or by crook, then force the other side to attempt to reverse the results; an action for which there is no clear provision in the Constitution. In the meantime, the country suffers.

The only thing I can see that could have been done to prevent Biden from assuming office would have been for enough electors to withhold their votes until legitimacy of the vote count was confirmed. Even then, the Constitution requires that the oath of office be administered by a certain date. After that, SCOTUS' hands are tied.

Or so it all seems to me, a lowly peasant.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.