Originally Posted by OldHat
Gore tex is useless. IMO.

The most important trait for a boot is how fast it will dry. Your feet WILL get wet whether its from the outside or sweat. Quick drying footwear is the key. Change your socks. Dry your socks.

Walk your boots dry.

I have one pair of goretex boots. Just like the animal, they were named after the movie heros of the movie Red Dawn.

I agree with you OldHat.
The heat from your feet will eventually get it done depending on conditions and time.
I just realize that feet in goretex will get wet from perspiration if walking much or carrying meat.. they don't breath as well, but it's not like wearing bread bags.

Likewise, wet leather doesn't breath well either since the fibers expand and water is saturating the hide. Unlike gortex, it improves with drying.
That said, I too prefer leather with a repellent conditioner and odorless spray. Wool socks help too. The feet stay warmer when wet. Some like polyester, but it grows bacteria and stinks. But Im getting off the trail.
What you said about socks is key.
(I could've just been lazy and did +1).