I got to spend 25 minutes catching up with one of my mentors tonight. Jerry Jacques has always been a mentor and supporter throughout my life from high school. He was a guide and a rival high school coach - They would all work with me during my Jr. and Sr. High years 35 years ago. He could kick my ass and I was 10 lbs heavier than him but he was an ex Division I collegiate All American and I was a dumb kid who was tough. I would push him hard and he would give me lumps that I could heal from and I would give him lumps that he wouldn't as fast. He was a master guide on Bears and Sheep and had bought Joe Want's sheep area in the Eastern Brooks Range. Jerry had one of his former partner's take a out hit on him in Reno and he killed the guy(mexican hitman) in self-defense with a wrench. He also got mauled once in a tent and ended up going to Gunsite and working with Cooper until he had it all down well. Jerry got caught up in a bad divorce ( His wife ran off with his head assistant guide) and took him to the cleaners but he got custody of their boy(He figures that was fair). Jerry ended up broke and had to pawn his 180 and work at Talkeetna Air Service as a commercial pilot and mechanic. He worked his way back and met the right woman from Sand Point, Idaho. He decided to take a chance after 9/11 and went to work for the company. He did many things for them for four years and came out 4 million dollars tax free richer. He doesn't talk about this time but I found an article on the Internet about a situation that he handled in Chad.


He was in his late 40s when he worked for them. Jerry is doing great with his fishing business and is good friends with Phil and others. General Yeager made it a point to go fishing with him for many years. I am just curious if any of you folks have mentors.

Last edited by kaboku68; 06/11/21.