Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Jim1611

Ubax Gardheere is running for the King County Council in the Seattle area. She is an immigrant from Somali, sounds like old times. Anyway in 2010 she boarded a middle school bus and berated the kids over being Americans and telling them we a4re terrible people. Some of the kids escaped out the back and she called them cowards. Any you can read the story for all the details. How can anyone that cares anything about our nation vote for sick people like her? I would not at all be surprised that she gets elected.

Those who care for our nation dont vote for people like her. Subversives like djs, Leroy, Northmam, Gayghost, Piddler, Jell0, Calledumb, Jim in Tenn, Plowboytim, Suckermore, sac, etc do.

Very true and I was thinking of those people when I started this thread. They actually can't love our nation as founded so they import trash like this to change it.