But we Americans don't know for sure.

Obviously biden is just a puppet dancing on a string. The foreign leaders know who is behind the curtain through their intelligence agencies yet we as citizens are left to speculate.

Watching the G7 leaders glad hand and backslap little joe to keep up the charade is humiliating and embarrassing. As he struggles to hear through his earpiece what his handlers response is to the question, he can't even act convincingly that it is his own answer. He is not even sure why he is there and who these people might be. I liken joe in wonderland to an escapee from the Alzheimer's ward. That this dimwit is our president is a nightmare that never ends. Fixing the damage this guy is doing will take heroic efforts to correct.

Americans are seen as fools for allowing this to happen and it is elder abuse to allow it to continue. But kammy would be even worse and we can't blame her lack of a brain on dementia. And behind her is evil so deep we don't dare go there. Yeah were talking piglosi.

Europe is so damn happy that they have the old gang back together they acted like little kids getting a pony as a present. Their glee is a reminder of the lessons of three little pigs. Will it be Russia or China that blows their house down?

Whoever is telling little old joe what to have as his policy positions must hate this country bitterly. This fight is going to be epic.