I just recently "scored" a pound of HS-6 from Powder Valley (cost an arm and part of a leg with HazMat for only a pound,but that's all they had). Main use will be a 45 Colt load trying for 900-950 fps. with a 255 SWC. May also try it in 44 Special, 45 Auto Rim, and 9mm.

I also wear progressive lens but I have a pair of bifocals for shooting (and computer work) where I had my eye doc make the focal length of my shooting eye the distance to the front sight. Great for a range day as I can see the front sight clearly.


NRA Life Member, 1990
Life Member, NYSRPA
Life Member, Saugerties Fish and Game Club
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution (1791)