Originally Posted by DMc
How many illegals would file a tax return?

And that's the point, you don't understand how far down the toilet Calif has gone...if an illegal is holding a job, they are assigned the ITIN automatically so they CAN file and get Earned Income Credit cash, they can get drivers license from DMV, they qualify for a free ride at La Clinica, free daycare...it never ends, they are encouraged to participate in an open economy, they do NOT fear La Migra, there is no enforcement. They don't live in fear "in the shadows". They have full benefits and more of a citizen...without the responsibilities of citizenship. Year after year, state government attempts to enact 'motor voter'...the left's ticket to a one party rule. And sadly, it's just not Calif...it's coming to a state near you, Oregon is hot on our heels right now. Calif is still the 5th largest economy in the world, and the big players and corporate farmers and food processors that use cheap labor, are not going to let La Migra interrupt that labor source.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.