Originally Posted by ironbender
Originally Posted by AGL4now
One thing that is "Telling" is that on many outdoor hunting forums...."Bad'ass" Rugged Outdoorsmen, are asking, "Why in the hell would anyone be hiking "alone" at 1:AM on an Alaska Trail. hmmm

What does that “tell”?

Tells me that "SOME" who pretend to be Bad'ass super rugged Outdoorsmen......are likely scared of the dark. Especially "Alone" on a mountain in the dark. My point was.....should there be any un-clarity.........that many are quick to judge and armchair quarter back the miss-adventures of others quickly into a thread, before learning that she likely has far more wilderness skills and experience then they fantasize they possess.

ALASKA is a "HARD COUNTRY for OLDMEN". (But if you live it wide'ass open, balls'to the wall, the pedal floored, full throttle, it is a delightful place, to finally just sit-back and savor those memories while sipping Tequila).