Originally Posted by GeoW
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
They won't use physical force. Rather, it will be in the form of coercion. Already students are being threatened with the loss of their educations if they don't get the shot. The courts ruled that employees of the Houston hospital, to the tune of over 1000 people, could be legally terminated for refusing the shot. That's how it will be done.

Nothing new. The first school vaccination requirement was enacted in the 1850s.
As to the "vaccine", it is very new...literally. Even the flu vaccines are relatively proven and also are approved for use. The powers-that-be are either coercing you or allowing you to be coerced into taking an unproven and thus, dangerous shot that they don't even claim will prevent you from getting the virus. Most approved vaccines in the past, only negatively impacted minute numbers of people whereas this doesn't seem to be the case with this one.