Originally Posted by wilkeshunter
Ticks are clearly down on our area this year, possibly due to fire ants, I’m told. I hope it stays that way.

I used to live in central Georgia. I had a one acre lot on Lake Sinclair. When I moved in to the house I had about 30 fire ant mounds on that property. Typical for that area. I got onto them and wiped out all the fire ants.
After I had done that, I noticed that I had a big increase in ticks on my big pet cat. This was an indoor/outdoors cat. And I got to thinking, I wondered what fire ants eat. And I figured that they would eat other insects like ticks.
So I laid off the fire ants, and within one year I had 30 fire ant mounds again. And after that I got few, if any ticks on the cat. Fire ants do eat ticks and lots of them.

Now I live in the mountains and we don't have fire ants up here.