Originally Posted by Fireball2
is such strong language. We need to tone it down.

You have to take the garbage out.

Really, do I? Cuz I see these people on TV that don't do it for years and they seem to be doing ahright. House is cozy.

You have to change the oil in the car.

Still runs, you sure? Back in high school Jason went 60K miles with his Nissen truck oil.

You have to mow the lawn.

Why, will it roll itself up and leave if I don't? Will the neighbor give it water automatically and fertilize it like I do? I think the grass knows where it's bread gets buttered, if you know wha I'm sayin'. It ain't goin nowheres.

We need to re-imagine our needs. Why did we pay $4500 for that feather stuff furniture anyhow? Maybe I have to go sit on that!

I have to go to the bank and deposit these checks today.

*falls asleep watching Fantomworks. Checks are still in my wallet. The bank will still take them next week. No harm no foul.

Just sayin.

Well, I have to go to work or I will lose what I have.

I have to be nice to my wife or I will have to learn to cook.

I have to wipe my arse because unlike you lot I have realised that my shit actually does stink.

Hunh...I have just realised that makes me a "have" rather than a "have not".

Last edited by JSTUART; 07/04/21.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.