Originally Posted by MarkinGA
So a 6hp won’t plane a 15’ boat with two guys but a 9.9 will. Will an 8hp plane it you think? If an 8hp won’t plane it, then I may have to stick to shopping for a 9.9?

Mark in GA

I don’t know what hull shape your boat is but a 15 wouldn’t plane my 15 foot Gregor with two 200 pound guys in it. Not a big deal if you’re fishing small water on nice days but I wouldn’t get your hopes up about the 9.9.

As a rule I despise two strokes, never had good luck with one. But I have friends who use and love the old Evinrude/Johnson’s with the slanted cowling. I believe they were made from about 1973 to 1990 or 1991. Another friend is fond of the old black with a blue stripe Mercs.