Fam and friends have been eating the chit out of this hot sauce for a number of years.


It is spendy at $6-$7 per tiny ass bottle even here locally, and I imagine others cannot find it outside of the west.

Luckily, it is easily knocked off, and we have been making our own for a while now, eating the chit out of it, and giving it to friends who love it. Under $3.50 per pint.

Into a blender:

--12 oz can Chipotle peppers including the adobe sauce (I use Embasa brand)
--One Serrano or Cayenne pepper, deveined
--Quarter of a sweet onion
--Garlic, to taste (I have roasted the garlic, used minced fresh, etc, and anymore I have found just granulated garlic works fine for this sauce)
--Salt, to taste (I've smoked the salt for it, now I don't bother, the chipotles bring enough smoke)
--Black pepper, to taste
--White vinegar, to reach desired thickness

Puree, and enjoy.

We always have a ketchup bottle full in the fridge.

The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.