Originally Posted by IndyCA35
Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by MAC
Why would that surprise anyone? Barr is a swamp creature. Trump made a serious error in picking a former AG at that point. He would have been better off picking someone nobody had heard of. Trump was naive when he thought the swamp dwellers would respect the office of the president if he held it.

The swamp was so outraged that he beat Broom Hilda and threatened them that they were never going to allow the truth to come out. Why is that so hard to grasp?

If you want to fix it, it begins at the local level and it will take several election cycles. If the OP is so concerned then he needs to expend his efforts in MN and not here. His angst serves no purpose here.

If you think future elections, even at the local level, are going to fix this and you can vote your way out of election fraud, you one dumb f*ck.

That's akin to taken a bottle of sour milk out of the fridge, taking a drink, putting it back then saying, "maybe it will be better tomorrow".


Steve of the low IQ: How about producing ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE that there was enough fraud to CHANGE THE RESULT from Trump to Biden. If you people have any evidence, why are you HIDING IT???? Even Giuliani couldn't come up with anything significant.

And don't give us that c r a p about the judges wouldn't take the case. You guys could have published the evidence. Why haven't you?

The facts are that Trump ran a LOUSY campaign. You don't win by holding massive rallies attended only by people who are going to vote for you anyway.

Jerks like you who think votes don't matter are the reason why Georgia elected two democrat senators in the runoff. Don't you know that if you guys hadn't discouraged voting we'd have a Republican majority in the Senate right now? You dummies have gotten into this mess.

And Trump is now making the same mistakes, or worse, if he wants to win in 2024. "Whine, whine, whine, I was cheated." Shut up about that and do something to help Republicans take Congess in 2022.

How much fraud is acceptable in your mind?