Originally Posted by mjbgalt
I am a ruger fan. I just don't like the takedown pin idea and I don't feel the kind of build quality I do from Sig and glock and Springfield etc, in this one.

Just one guy's opinion. Haven't even shot one so what do i know.

I didn't even look at the gun from a maintenance perspective (2 other guys were pushing me out of the way to get their turn). I don't like the takedown pin idea either--good on you for bringing it up.

As for the build quality, I suppose that's something only time will tell. Holding my Sig in one hand and the Ruger in the other, I didn't notice anything that felt noticeably cheap about the Ruger, but I don't work at a gun store and handle a dozen or more pistols everyday for a living. I'm happy to defer to somebody who's had the time to pick over a gun in detail versus my 10 minutes with it.

It does shoot though...


"Let's Roll!" - Todd Beamer 9/11/01.