Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Originally Posted by slumlord
When the dems pounced on that coney-barrett supreme court lawn party outbreak, EVERY person was named. A seating chart was posted and identified persons in the crowd, etc etc.

Now, shoe on the other foot

Has anyone individual persons been named?

I bet most of the fat negroes that were on the plane are it, rosa parks looking hogs. So why not out with it

Yep. It started with the ConAir Escape Flight with the TX DemoRat’s. One of those big ole Groids that was infected was the one saying that Gov Abbott threatening to arrest their sorry asses was “just like slavery”. 😡

Yep you’re right CHL! Can we even begin to imagine the fallout and charges filed by Pelosi or Schumer if the Republicans from a blue state flew to DC to avoid a vote and started infecting people? Felony charges. Bet on it!!

Last edited by philgood80; 07/23/21.

Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. - Ronald Reagan

For why should my freedom be judged by another man's conscience? - 1 Corinthians 10:29