Originally Posted by chlinstructor
Originally Posted by MAC
Constitution specifically give the legislatures in the states the sole authority to conduct elections as they see fit. That also means the state legislatures can hold any sort of audit they want to. Note nowhere in this article does to explicitly say that any state is actually violating anything. This is all a hypothesis. Smoke and mirrors folks. This is how you know they are desperate to keep everything covered up. If the election was really 100% on the up and up then they would say "Bring it on."

PREZACTLY!!! Scare tactics. Nothing More.

Not if they shove through that HR1 garbage. Whatever else happens, we need to keep that from passing before the mid terms and hope we take their majority away.

Progressives are the most open minded, tolerant, and inclusive people on the planet, as long as you agree with everything they say, and do exactly as you're told.