Holy schit....
Trying to post pics.
Newb,s gotta wait for mod to approve a pic.

Not enough post to put up pics on my own.

Mommy hold my hand stuff.
Have gotten like 4 emails from 4 different mods today several times.
I'm bugging em asking em why this, why that to them on their question link.

Like they are in competition to respond 1st among each other answering the question.
Knocking each other outta the way to answer 1st it seems
Been telling em so and so answered it.
Thanks anyways...

Then later on asking another question just to start the game over on em.

I'm gonna do this to em for the next couple of days just to see how these same 4 answer my questions.
Even if one responds 1st .
I will tell him so and so already answered the question
