Originally Posted by jackmountain
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by Snowwolfe
Interest rates control house prices. Right now the selling trend will continue since rates are so low.
The Fed just announced they have no plans to push rates up until maybe 2022.

THat's what the creepy banker dude was trying to say to me yesterday, but I don't pretend to understand it. Was basically saying when rates are higher, the banks in their bottomless graciousness have more money to loan out to people, but when rates are low they don't make any money. The poor dears. Fugk the banks, fugk the landlords and absentee homeowners.

Quit hatin’ on people for making $$ Gruff, It’s not a bad thing.
They like spending it which winds up in our pockets eventually.

Trickle down is non-sense. Capital is spent with the intention of minimizing trickle down. That is the basis of capitalism. I'm not against capitalism but we can't delude ourselves with the idea large wealth aggregations are good for everyone.

The problem with large aggregations of wealth is the large aggregation of power that follows. That power is ALWAYS used to reduce everyone else's power. That is what gives us the oligarchy.