I was annointed as a gunwriter by our late Mister Howell.

He and I had been having a bit of a squabble over the objective veracity of gun articles and the actual intentions of their writers. It was from this that I concocted the first posting about the Pillar of TrVth. For those of you who are unaware, the Pillar of TrVth stands out in a forlorn patch of weeds just behind the main Campfire. It is available for any camper who wishes to use it. You simply stand on top of the pillar and make a pronouncement. If what you say is objectively true, you get a pretty little green light and a sentimental ringtone. If what you stated is false, a rather large bolt of lightning issues from the heavens and zaps you into a pile of ashes.

If memory serves, the nut of my squabble with Ken was the actual motivation for gunwriting. My contention was that it was entertainment. Ken wanted to present a loftier opinion. In the midst of the exchange, I stated that the Pillar of TrVth would go unused by any gunwriter. Ken agreed and it was on this point, that he anointed me as an official gunwriter.

We stopped mowing around The Pillar of TrVth about a decade ago. It's still there if anyone wishes to use it. However, I'd suggest bringing me along to show you how it works. You'll also have quite a job clearing away the brambles.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer