I've had lyme disease twice. Both times I was on extended doses of doxycycline. The first time it was from a tick I discovered in the back side of my armpit a day or two after late season spring turkey hunting. The second I didn't know I had. I just developed an intense itch on my back that didn't get bad until a hot, humid June picnic. I asked my sister if I had a rash on my back, lifted my shirt, and she said, "you need to go to the doctor." The doctor at the urgent care called in another doctor and then they took pictures saying it was a picture perfect lyme disease rash.

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

This year, I haven't picked a tick off me at all. I've been out dozens of times looking for bear and I've waded through armpit high brush, waist high grass, in the woods, reeds, etc. Not a single tick.

Oh, and no fire ants this year, either. Last year I got attacked by fire ants three times and there were mounds everywhere. I've scarcely seen a mound anywhere this year, and the ones I've seen are dormant. It's a great summer to be out in the thick stuff.

Last edited by 10Glocks; 08/01/21.