Dude270: Yes I saw the velocity of 1,650 F.P.S. out of a 24" barrel!
That IS perky!
I wonder what it would be out of what most consider the "optimum" barrel length for velocity with 22 L.R. ammunitions - that being 16" or 18" (I forget)?
I intend on buying some and unlike some "sage" types in this thread I do NOT think $8.00 per box of 50 for SELF DEFENSE rounds is asking to much or unaffordable in any way, shape or form!
I mean how many self defense rounds/situations is one likely to go through?
But in all the stores and shops I have frequented of late I have NOT seen any of these - but will be on the lookout.
Would enjoy seeing some penetration testing in ballistic gelatin.
Hold into the wind