Anyone remember "Bill Morrow" who worked at GNG, and the guy who shot the big moose two days before the season opened.......(insert DRUM ROLL) in the parking lot of ABC TV station, a block from GNG right on Tudor Road....???

The guy had just arrived in Alaska to hunt moose, walked into GNG just as they opened, and asked if they knew where he might see a "big" moose. Bill said, I just seen one a few minutes ago, standing on the sidewalk a block that way, in front of the TV station. Bill thought he was a tourist just wanting to see a Alaska moose. Guy leaves GNG, gets his rifle, walks around the corner, and "blasts" the moose, right in the center of the parking lot. Cops came in the store all pissed'off at Bill. It really was a large trophy moose. Needless to say, it was "all over" the evening news. And front page of both news papers.

ALASKA is a "HARD COUNTRY for OLDMEN". (But if you live it wide'ass open, balls'to the wall, the pedal floored, full throttle, it is a delightful place, to finally just sit-back and savor those memories while sipping Tequila).