Ah, yes. I remember Col. Charles Askins articles. He seemed to have a real fondness for handguns. Said once he'd tried everything from the 5.5 Velo Dog (really !) to the howling .44 Maggie as he called it. I remember his article when he first test shot the then new S&W 29 back in 1956. He commented how he'd heard "some joes, probably with lace in their panties, put glooves on to shoot it". A recommendation that the American Rifleman magazine had published by their testers.
He was an experienced gunfighter from what I gather. He worked for the border patrol during the time when they'd have as many as three distinct gunfights in one 8 hour shift, said he. BTW, his buddies and he use to win those fights, at ranges measured in feet, by using rifles and shotguns, not handguns. In fact, the guy making most of the hits/kills was the rifleman, armed with a Model 8 Winchester self loading, not the two guys with buck loaded Model 97 Winchesters.
He was always very entertaining and seemed to know what he was talking about. One of his favorite tricks was bobbing the hammer on of this wheel guns. I did that with the first two Chief Specials I owned. You can still shoot them single action and they then snag on nothing. I like that setup better than the Bodyguard design.
Yes, he was quite a writer. I miss his articles. E