On more nut-related story, and then I must be off to sleep. It's been a hard day.

So one thing I haven't mentioned is how the general anesthetic has played absolute hell with my brain. It's been a little scary. I had to call out to KYHillChick when I was taking the IBUProfen otherwise, I'd try to take it again 2 minutes later. I've been prone to getting up, going into another room and forgetting why I went in. I know it's just the general anesthetic and it'll be all over with in a week or so.

This AM, I scared myself something fierce. I was awake at 0400 as usual, stopped by my office, picked up my coffee mug, stopped by the bathroom, took a leak, and emptied out the coffee mug before going to the kitchen for my first cup of joe.

Normally, I do not flush overnight, because KYHillChick is a light sleeper. I try my best not to bother her, so I've got a night's worth of #1 in there.

At 0500, I started getting ready for work. I went in the bathroom to take a shower, and . . .

. . .well, I've already give you the punchline. It's just I had no memory of the coffee going into the commode at 0400. Yikes! That was about as scared as I've been in this whole affair. Luckily, I had a bit of ring on the tank lid to jog my memory after a while.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer