Originally Posted by Dumdum
This is a serious question.

I walk the dogs every morning down our 1/4 mile driveway.

This morning just at the start of the walk saw a round ( 4 or 5 inch diameter) disc of pure black smooth viscous featureless “pudding “.

It looked exactly like a puddle of heated molten roofing tar.

I did the google thing and looked through multiple tutorials on ID’ing animal poop and didn’t find anything remotely close.

I have seen this several times before. My concern is it might be scat from a bear that has been gorging on apples or sum such.

Does anybody here know what animal could have done this?

Where you at?

What critters you got around there?


Need clues man!

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.